Lots or guests today, must really help when you have an interesting speaker and program.
PAULINE BONIFACE AND BONNIE-KAY NORMAN, Jack’s better half and daughter.
LINDA BEGIN, Russ’s much better half.
SHASHI DOSAJ, Gyan’s wife and traveling companion.
LIZ BAJCAR, Norbert’s better than half.
TERRY PALMAY, Back again, this time it is for the program, not the fellowship. (He misses us.)
DITTIE VOEGELE: From the Brampton Club, and part of the program.
TERRY WOOD: Wayne’s best half, and also the photographer of today’s program.
WAYNE: Told us why they are here today, and what we can expect with the program and had some information for us to read while having lunch, so that their presentation would make more sense.
PRES. JEREMY: Next week’s meeting is a CLUB ASSEMBLY, evening meeting. So no noon meeting on Jan. 29th. It is a dinner meeting to discuss club business and direction.
The POKER TOURNAMENT, date has changed. From Feb. 16 to SAT. MARCH 22. Put it in your calendars and invite lots of people. The more the better.
If you have any guest speakers, let him know and he can put the date on the Rotary Web Site.
RUSS: Bingo revenues keep getting better. We have 2 games this Sunday. If it’s you, be there.
DITTIE: June 8, the Brampton Club is having a walk to raise funds, it is only 5 k’s and they need walkers.
MARTIN won again, every time there is a big one, and he gets it. I think it’s fixed.
JEREMY: Trial is over, killers found guilty, wife is home, and life is almost back to normal.
NORBERT: Beautiful wife Liz is here, he is looking for a new expensive hobby, because he sold his airplane and the money saved is burning a hole in his pocket.
DR. PALMAY: Second visit this month, now he remembers why he left the club. He won Leaf Tickets in a curling Bonspiel and is quite happy about that.
JACK: Was happy to see IRVING show up at bingo the other night, not that he minded being with WAYNE, but it was nice to go home early. Also happy to have is wonderful daughter and his fantastic wife here today. They are also happy that they traded in their 2 vehicles and are down to one. Big savings.
TINA: Just happy, and she got rid of shoulder pain.
SHASHI: Happy New Year to everyone, and looking forward to hearing Wayne and Terry talk.
DMAC: He and Marg went to Guelph to see grandson and he is doing much better in College there.
RUSS: Happy Linda is here with him today, she is driving, so he can get hammered.
TERRY W: Happy to be here finally. Their basement that got flooded in last July’s storms, is finally getting fixed. They will have their space back.
DITTIE: Just happy to be here with us.
DANNIE: Happy that RUSS shaved his beard off, it was giving him a rash, (whisker burn it’s called.)
RAY: Happy he woke up this morning.
WAYNE, TERRY AND DITTIE, where part of group from our area that teamed up with the Cambridge and Georgetown Rotary, to go to Tanzania, and help build a school. It was actually finished when they got there, but their job was to paint, decorate, landscape and finish whatever needed to be done. They were 8 kilometers from the nearest road, and camped in tents. The pictures were great, and we got to see everything they did with the people and the school. Great program, great pictures, great information.
Thank you Wayne and Terry for making our club look good.