DAVE SMITH, visiting from the Heart Lake Club.
BARKAT, a visiting member from our club?
Caleb, Shanta’s grandson.
D MAC: Had two bucks worth, for the 2 scholarship awards we gave out and the Tool Award that we gave. TINA went in his place, thank you, and the RAY GIBSON SCHOLARSHIP has been given because the young lady who won it can’t make her commencement.
TINA: Had a nice time at the awards, and enjoyed the Bingo Training session. She also went to a meeting with the Wood Family for the Trip to Tanzania, looks fantastic, and she is excited because they will be taking some of her dolls with them.
MARTIN: Sally-Ann’s cataract operation went well. Granddaughter Melissa passed her insurance tests so now she can sell insurance.
RANDY: Tam is away living in the RV and having little problems, which he is enjoying hearing about. His daughter Melissa will be joining him in his business.
BARKAT: Happy to be here with us. He was in Miami last week and went out for dinner at a Fish place that was the best he ever had, but it was the night the Miami Heat won the Basketball Championship and it was murder trying to get around downtown Miami.
JEREMY: Kids graduation, great times. Ben won 2 awards for grade 3, Proud Papa.
THE DRAW: TINA won; she was complaining she hasn’t won in 2 weeks.
SHANTA: Sunday July 7th is games day, we still need players, spectators, gifts and helpers. Please try to be there and bring friends. Doors open before 1:00 games start at 2:00 and should be over around 4:00. Food will be served, and price is $25:00
Spot One Restaurant and Banquet Hall. Rutherford Rd. Brampton.
RANDY: BAR B Q at his place Thursday evening.92 Wildwood Rd. Glen Williams. Any time after 5:00. we eat at 7:00 come early and come hungry.
JACK: Would like to invite Gillian Maramieri to our club to tell us about her son who has Cystic Fibrosis, and the golf tournament she holds annually for support. It is called Mulligans Fore Mathew. The club said they would like to hear her story.
Also read a great article in the paper about the Bramalea Rotary Club fixing and painting the Perpetual Bazaar. We actually got credit for it. The Bramalea Rotary. We also got credited for the Air Conditioner. Great article. I especially liked that Wayne Wood and his family where mentioned, because they did the majority of the work and set the whole thing up. Way to go Wood family, Bramalea Rotary, and Radhika Panjwani, staff writer at the Brampton Guardian.