PRESIDENT JEREMY is away, acting President today is DANNIE.

Surprise drop in, JERRY VANDERKLAAUW came in for a minute on his way by to inform the club that he has officially resigned due to time, he is just too busy to make the meetings and other events. We are sorry to hear that and hope that in the future if things change for him that he will come back. We will miss him and especially ROSA.


D MAC: Last week his 19 year old grandson broke his leg in 2 places, (Brampton and Oakville I think.) Doctors have set it and he is doing well and should be okay we hope.

RANDY: No news from the trailer park, that’s good. He thanked Shanta for her work on the Games Day, he had a good time.

TINA: She has been bird sitting for a friend, and the little pecker bit her pinky.

NORBERT: He and Jack and their wives when to the District Changeover meeting and had a great time. Great venue, meal and good to see all the Rotarians (over 300) there.

SHANTA: Paid 2 HB, her grandson has learned to say Gramma, over and over and over.

DANNIE: Still renovating bathroom and everything else in his house, except Susan.

JACK: As mentioned a few weeks ago he was sort of left high and dry by President Jeremy at the Rotary Information Night. There was a reporter there from the SNAP magazine, and Jack got in a lot of pictures with the various people that where there. So the other day when the paper came out, he got a copy to see if his picture was in it. It wasn’t JEREMY & TINA’S was though, but Jack got nothing again. Now I know how Rodney Dangerfield felt.


TED, shows up for one meeting and wins. I lose again.


SHANTA: We had 35 people show up for the Games Day and still made $803, which is great for what we did, ( I know Shanta put a lot of effort into it even though she has been sick and had a couple of close friends pass away) but as a hole our club didn’t do much. If we all supported this a little more and sold tickets or at least showed up it would have been a great fund raiser. I know it is a lot of fun, perhaps next time.

RUSS: Every one should go to the Bingo Onsite training. Thur July 11 and Mon July 15.

{PS to that, it’s already happened as I write this, I was there on Thursday, and it was fun but not so easy. If you have never done a Bingo it will be quite intimidating. My advice is to go and see a Bingo before hand to get an idea of what is going on. It looks like it will be fun and fairly easy but it will keep you moving. It is good that we will have (hopefully)  3 members per team. The Delta Bingo Hall is very much like a Casino and the players have lots of choices of games to play and there is a lot going on all the time.}

JACK: I spoke with Joyce from the Heart Lake Club, and they decided to take on the 50/50 at the Power Aid and I asked if the guys in our club that where upset that we didn’t continue with the Hockey could help them, she said YES PLEASE. So if you still want your hockey fix and sell 50/50 tickets talk to them, they want you.

D/WAC: The Knights Table is having an event on Friday August 9th. Check it out.